VMware Cloud on AWS – Bye bye vCloud Air


3 days ago VMware announced a partnership with Amazon Webservice to run VMware Services on AWS. You will now be able to use a VMware powered Cloud Service by AWS and in addition to this leverage AWS services like S3. Weeks ago VMware announced  their partnership with IBM in the same manner.

You will find all information on the AWS website:


Reading about this makes me really happy coming from both worlds on-premise vSphere and AWS in the cloud. But what does this partnership mean for the company VMware.

vCloud Air was VMware´s approach to catch up with the cloud giants AWS and Azure. They were too late in the market and the feature set was always lower than the one on AWS and Microsoft. Based on the enterprise dumped vCloud Director software it always did not fell right. The only thing on the plus site was the integration to your on premise cloud. It was easy to move your ressources into the cloud. Even it was just vCloud Air. That was a good and radical approach which most of the companies suffer today going this step.

VMware being a software only company (SDDC) it was a good and logical step to let someone else do the datacenter business. So good bye hardware… good bye vCloud Air.

I am looking forward to build first solutions on this new technology. I will be on the VMworld and dive more deep into this.

Wish everyone a great week on VMworld 2016 in Barcelona

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